From: Henry and Jane  (社會系廖靜嫻)
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Reunion photos now on

Dear Organizing Committee Members:

Once again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the excellent preparation and deliberation of reunion activities in San Francisco August 20-22, 2004.

I had the opportunity to spend 5 nights at the hotel during this time, and the emotions that I experienced during these 5 days were incredible, ranging from anticipation, anxiety, excitement, euphoria, to sadness and emptiness (especially on the Monday and Tuesday after everyone had left the hotel - the place felt really empty). However, it is a comfort to know that life will go on with many ups and downs in its path, and that in every cycle of change, there is something for us to gain. What we need to do is to look for the meaning with patience and to appreciate every present moment that we have.

Again, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with old friends and new acquaintances, reminiscing the past, chatting about the present, and pondering the future. Let's continue to take care of ourselves and one another.

Jane Lam/Liao Ching-Hsien (Sociology)