
最好是裝 Microsoft Windows XP其他版本的中文輸入顯示解決辦法比較複雜...
Upgrade to Microsoft Windows XP if possible. It resolves decades of Chinese
display issues occurred in previous Windows versions. Avoid using “old”
internet browsers that may not be capable of displaying Chinese Fonts.

Computer Setup

1.     在美國,新買的電腦不能顯示中文? 很可能是因為 Files for East Asian Language
Is your computer set up for displaying Chinese characters?

(a)   Go to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages
(b)   Make sure your Microsoft Windows environment is set up properly.
Files for East Asian Language must be installed (see diagram 見圖示)

2.  您的電腦有沒有加增中文輸入鍵盤配置...
Is your computer set up for writing Chinese characters? You should see an
ENon the taskbar at the lower-right corner of your computer screen
Select it to toggle between language modes

否則您得作下面這幾個步驟: Otherwise,
(a)   Go to
Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages
(b)   SelectDetails
(c)   Make sure a Chinese Keyboard Layout/IME for Input Language such as
        “Microsoft New Phonetic IME 2002a” is
added under keyboard
(d)   Check its properties to make sure the setting is proper and a desirable
    Keyboard Mapping is selected

Without any native input methods added for Chinese, you will need to
install add-on software such as NJStar (
南極星) or  Twinbridge (雙橋) for
writing Chinese and doing copy/paste and so on

[download and read 詳盡資料 1-3]

Read and Write Chinese (email)

1.    必須了解什麼是 Encoding。 所有中文字(,日,韓,...也一樣)都是經過編碼
22914 24847"在 BIG5 的碼表裡代表的是"如意"

Understanding the “
EncodingAll email, particularly for those are
embedded with non-English characters, must be encoded at delivery
properly and decoded at receiving accordingly.  (1)
Improper , (2)mis-matched
and (3)
mixed encodings are common causes of unreadable/garbled texts
in the email.

2.   養成習慣: View(Format)->Encoding 明確指定碼表
Chinese Traditional [BIG5]
To read/write email in Chinese.
(a)   Your computer must be capable of displaying Chinese.
(b)   When writing, Set Encoding explicitly.
 Chinese Traditional [BIG5] is commonly used within our comunity.
(c)   When reading, go to View -> Encoding and try to match it.

        Keep in mind that what you can see may not be exactly what it will
        be sent out. It is really the sender's responsibility to encode the
        email properly

example:  If you use yahoo, and your friends can not read your email ]

[download and read 詳盡資料 4]

Detailed Information

1. 電腦輸入中文須知 (Microsoft Windows XP 版本) (PDF, 420k)
電腦輸入中文須知 (Microsoft Windows 2000 版本) (PDF, 370k)
電腦輸入中文須知 (Microsoft Windows 9x/Me 版本) (PDF, 200k)
電腦讀寫中文電子郵件須知 (Microsoft Outlook, hotmail, yahoo) (PDF, 770k)
電腦應用: 南極星中文輸入系統介紹 (NJStar- A Chinese word processor tutorial) (PDF, 750k)