電影: I remember that there were many moviegoers in Tunghai days. I don't know if you still go as I do frequently in Pasadena, California where there are many art movie theaters. It's my hobby to write reflections after seeing good ones which include foreign movies and independent productions. I'd like to share these reflections about dramas, movies, ballets, ... and exchange reviews with you. Welcome to join us and enrich our life.  - 傅裴湘

   Film Quiz
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From: Teddy  [錢安良]
Sunday, December 10, 2006 09:59 PM

The Departed

這部由大導演Martin Scorsese執導, 有多位大明星演出的影片, 是2006年中一部出色的片子。 劇本是改編自香港影片”無間道“。 背景自香港搬到了Boston.

Martin Scorsese 過去導過不少具代表性的電影, 包括70年代的”Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”, “Taxi Driver” ; 80年代的 “Raging Bull”,  “The Last Temptation of Christ”; 90年代的”Good Fellas”, “Gangs of New York”。 他的特色是片中人物多硬漢, 衝突尖銳。

兩位年輕男主角Matt Damon 和 Leonardo DiCaprio的演出都相當出眾。 Matt Damon 是第一次演反派;  Leonardo DiCaprio 是越來越邁出觀眾對他過去所演的t eenager 的角色的印象 (“Titanic”, “Catch Me If You Can”)。 這兩位再配上Jack Nicholson 非他莫屬的角色, all of a sudden, there is powerful dynamics in this picture and it keeps the audience captivated.

其他的配角Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin 及 Mark Wahlberg 都是赫赫有名的明星。 在這部片子裡,扮演有限度的角色, 都很稱職。

整部片子劇情緊湊, 交代算清楚負責。 對白中粗俗語不必要的多, 暴力部分付諸於想像的多, 沒有太多gross out 的鏡頭 。

電影結尾的幾個twists 稍嫌 abrupt, 但因電影已演超過兩小時半, 觀眾也欣然接受這個有一點easy way out 的結局 。

我對這部片子的評論是 :
þ I highly recommend that you see it in a theater. This is a must see.
 □ I recommend that you see it in a theater and you won’t be disappointed.
 □ It is not worth seeing it in a theater but you can wait to see it on a VCR/DVD.
 □ Pass it .


From: charter [周曉宏]
Saturday, November 25, 2006 01:59 AM

乘著感恩節假期 , 看了場熱門電影 , 最新的007 , 著實不錯 , 喜歡動作片的人千萬別錯過 。而性喜做春秋大夢的男仕更別放棄 , 想做女強人的眾姊妹也可一觀(那位他的老女人上司可真會裝扮) , 更別提那些到Chippendale會心跳的女性 , 因為這位最新版的龐德弟陽剛味十足 , 而又對心儀的女生赴湯蹈火 , 犧牲自己 , 再所不惜 , 也不似以前的幾位詹姆士 , 有些脂粉氣及那麼喜新厭舊 ! 而且這位仁兄在戲中被虐待 , 嚴刑毆打 , 血淋淋及在鬼門關前打轉的場景非常逼真 。能吸引住我的注意力 , 鮮少冷場 。真的值回票價 。

當然缺點是所有的影片都共有的—劇情常不合理 , 英雄所向無敵 , 我認為已經比太多間諜片 , 西部片 , 戰爭片好一些 。這些戲劇化 , 使我們做兩小時的好夢也不為過啊 。

片頭的設計就創意十足 , 一分鐘左右的動畫配上鮮豔的紅黑色彩 , 已抓住了你的注意 。如往例一般很快的來一場追逐壞人的戲碼 , 這次背景是一棟施工中的鋼骨結構大樓 , 他們倆在起重機間跳上跳下 , 鋼柱樑上奔馳如飛 , 加上必有的爆炸 , 震撼力無比 。接下來偉大的007自行破解恐怖分子的行蹤 , 晃到巴哈馬去 , 大概是自費行動吧 , 居然開的是一部福特的小跑車 , 我認不得是何形式的 , 印象中有點撇 , 不像大英雄的裝備 ! 一轉眼他就靠超凡的睹技從壞人手中嬴了大筆的金錢 , 甚至那部名牌跑車(抱歉我車不熟 , 但至少是寶捷時 , 甚至是羅蜜歐之級的) 。再施以手腕 , 把別人老婆一併勾引來 ! 但他責任心重 , 一得到壞人要去邁阿密的消息 , 以他的專業判斷 , 這絕對醞釀著什麼壞事 。所以他寧可拋下唾手可得的美女 , 千辛萬苦跟蹤到邁阿密機場 , 阻止了一場油罐車衝入大客機的悲劇 , 外加一點大快人心的黑色幽默感—將炸彈綁上恐怖分子的腰上 , 而避免了引爆的血腥場面 , 這也是成功的 。再加上他身上 , 臉上都掛彩 , 非常的張力十足 。

再下來有點莫名其妙 , 也是我英文不佳的後果 , 總之 , 他一下子奉令去巴爾幹那的小國黑山  Casino Royale 去賭錢---全世界找十位頂尖有錢又有賭技的人物 , 各帶一億美金來賭 。當然恐怖分子有占一角 , 還有兩位東方人 。

007先前大意失荊州 , 向陪他一道來的政府監軍美女調頭寸也不成 , 幸好一位也來參賽的老美黑人資助 , 他才在經歷波折後嬴了對手 , 這中間劇情很神也很亂 , 如他被下毒(所以千萬別亂喝別人請你的酒)心臟都休克了還可以被救活 , 智力也不受損 。那位監軍美女突然被綁架 , 他飛車救美 , 居然會看到美女被丟在路中 , 剎車後車子大翻筋斗 , 昏迷不醒後和同伴被輸錢的恐怖分子挾持在船上 。被施以酷刑想得到銀行密碼(他嬴的錢 , 直接匯入他帳戶的)…這酷刑我賣個關子 , 暫不細細描述 , 總之有點X級及三八 , 然後像所有這類電影一樣 , 千鈞一髮時有人殺了這些人 , 解救了我們奄奄一息的大特務 。

劇中此時還真有點懸疑呢?好像是另一掛恐怖分子斃掉這一群恐怖分子 , 身受重傷的007坐在輪椅上靜養 , 在正經八百的監軍美女照料下逐漸康復並且墜入情網 , 不怎麼煽情 , 還蠻純的 。他也看破世事 , 請辭這人人稱羨的情報員生涯 , 準備和愛人泛遊四海過這不羨神仙只羨鴛鴦的生活 。正在威尼斯那泛舟時 , 突然他的女上司問他那時用的公款賭資怎麼還沒有入國庫?(真標準模範公務員 , 上億元都不捲款潛逃)他才跟蹤愛人同志 , 曲曲折折的又是一場大仗 , 連威尼斯古蹟大樓都似鐵達尼號慢慢沈沒了海中 , 這些景色真逼真 , 不簡單 。

他的摯愛 , 沈下海中 , 救也救不活了 , 事實上是她有愧疚 , 不願被救 。於是我們偉大的007 , 千方百計找出元兇 , 繩之以法 , 大快人心 , 片尾不忘來個招牌動作—I am Bond, James Bond!
我則以為他這動作沒有別的龐德先生來得帥氣 ! 但是 , 他的猛男之姿我以為是一流的 。

看玩電影 , 回到家11點左右 , 花了兩小時多寫下觀感 , 你就知道我很欣賞這部娛樂性十足的片子了 !

小註; Chippendale是洛杉磯附近有名的男脫衣舞場 。

From: 中文系二十屆戴文采 
Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:49 PM


在南加黃金地段帕莎迪納老城 , 要看一場中國電影並不容易 , 李安 , 張藝謀 , 蔡明亮這類得獎專業戶 , 才有可能。在最美麗的老城 , 最美麗的中庭 , 耐住性子看完一場掛名導演張藝謀的<千里走單騎> , 忽然同情那聲望寸寸皆可賣錢 , 所以被扒了皮的老謀子 ?

電影故事簡單到青少年小說的程度 , 這不是重點 , 任何簡單都可以是電影素材 , 除了高倉健 , 全部演員都是路人甲乙丙丁出任 , 連雲南地方戲 , 也看不出精湛和亮點 , 這也不是重點 , 但正因這兩件元素已剔除專業性 , 所以電影本身回到考驗和完全依賴導演的攝影影像語法和攝影人文美學 。

任何人都可以相信老謀子縱使老人痴呆 , 都還不可能丟掉他的攝影美學 , 他的眼手感觀 , 熟極而流 , 是李斯特再痴呆也不會忘記如何彈鋼琴的那類天才 。

<千里走單騎>中國部份慘不忍睹的指數是笑話級。光是高倉健和揚揚在峽谷中過夜 , 往上拍的鏡頭 , 就連一個平常的老人痴呆症病患 , 都可能作得更好一些 , 不僅顯然沒有攝影師 , 連電影攝影機都沒有 , ZOOM的角度最多是台數位錄影機 , 鏡頭搖擺得很厲害 , 可見拿數位錄影機還不是專業攝影師 , 剪接色澤打光就更別提了 , 應該也完全沒有打光 , 就是家庭錄像的水準 , 何來攝影美學 , 更別提名震全球的美學風格 ! 是笑話級 。

日本部份乃正常電影專業工作人員完成 , 當然無話可講 , 高倉健的演技則是全片唯一買票的原因 , 一個偉大的令人願進場看他一眼 , 懷念他有過的全部優秀和華美的演員 。

此外 , 中國部份是張藝謀不知要痛苦多少年的折磨吧?他的名字給人這樣扒皮剝削 , 老謀子是不是也太慈眉善目到出賣藝術態度?電影是國家文化的標竿 , 看來像老謀子制作《劉三姐》時 , 有人打包借盛名一用 , 大師慈悲為懷 , 雨露均霑是好事 , 總得交待個專業執行副導 。

最好是今後一切只交待給電影學院 , 只有電影學院作品可要求掛張藝謀三個字 , 嘉惠學子是真正的嘉惠和栽培之外 , 任何藝術創作都沒有讓人掛名的價值和道理 , 砸招牌的事不是沒有 , 砸到這種狗屁不通的程度 , 那就在世界大師中僅見 。

中國各單位也從此饒了老謀子吧 , 求財立功都不難 , 方法多的是 , 最不值得的就是糟塌拍<十面埋伏>的大師 , 正如中國的繁華得來多麼辛酸 , 大師一生名望來得多麼艱苦 , 什麼都沒有了 , 就只有那一點點藝術美名 , 請中國好好珍惜半世紀出不了一兩個的大師 !


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:51 PM


When “The Illusionist” opens, the main intrigue has actually occured in the middle of the story. The spectators have to be guided forward as if lured in by a magic trick to see what had happened before.

The magician is Edward Norton, who is Eisenheim in this film.  Norton, one more time, proves that he is the best actor among all the young movie stars.  His acting is magic itself.  When he was younger, he performed a seemly innocent alter boy in “The Primal Fear,” then the truth revealed that he was deeply involved in killing.  In “American History X,” Norton evolved successfully from a vicious racist to a humble loving young man.  Norton also was a cute comedian in his own acted/directed “Keeping the Faith.”

Eisenheim is brought up in a lower class carpenter’s family. The puppy love between him and a princess is forbidden.  After departing from his hometown for 15 years, he comes back with a strong desire to reunite with this girl.

Norton’s goat beard in this movie covers his half face, but his eyes still exercise indescribable melancholy.  In order to win back his sweetheart, he has to utilize magic to outwit a royal who wants to marry the princess and usurp the throne of Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Movies combine many effects, such as editing, lighting, natural scenery. Magic tricks on the other hand, are supposed to be performed live – a disadvantage in movies. Eisenheim is so unfortunate though that the viewers accept the portrayed illusions on the screen.  Eisenheim fools a very influential police chief and finally takes his princess away.

This movie’s music adds to the illusion by building to the many peaks during spooky tricks, then slowly calming down our anxieties.  The happy ending is a satisfying for the entire audience.


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:52 PM


"The Devil Wears Prada" is still in the theaters after months of release.  The movie’s profits probably match the content of the story:  The tough ones stick around.
This film’s script is based on author Lauren Weisberger’s bestseller, which exposes how cruel the fashion empire is at “Runway” magazine.  Meryl Streep’s Miranda Priestly is based on the infamous Vogue editor Anna Wintour.  Emily Blunt plays Emily, Miranda’s first assistant.  When this pair of actresses appear in together, their fabulous acting steals all the attention.  Poor rookie Anne Hathaway, who plays new assistant, Andy Sachs, does not have the skills to compete with them.

Miranda manipulates the company’s designs and management, she intimidates all her subordinates as well.  Andy tolerates all this abuse, because working for “Runway” is her first job after four years of college.  She survives picking up Miranda’s clothes on the floor, taking out coffee from the store for Miranda, and fetching the not yet published “Harry Potter” for Miranda’s twin daughters.

Darwin’s “the survival of the fittest” is not a joke under Miranda’s demand.  Andy’s adjustment to her workplace are:  possessing more expensive clothes, accessories, high heel shoes, flattering her boss, working longer with low wages, and decreasing time with her boyfriend.  Finally she meets Miranda’s requirements.  Andy is chosen over Emily to accompany Miranda to a Paris fashion show.  During the trip, Andy witnesses lots of plots hatched by other people in the fashion industry.  She realizes that she truly does not fit in, hence she decides to leave the position for good.

 This movie entertains viewers, who can watch other people’s battles and feel fortunate they are not on the bottom of the fashion world food chain.



From: Kang Ting-yi [康定怡]
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 12:19 AM

For those who seek a break from often predictable Hollywood movies, WATER is a good candidate to bring you surprising delight and sadness. The story is framed in the Indian caste society around 1930’s. A young girl was arranged to merry an old man and suddenly became a widow at a very young age. She then was forced to retire to a reclusive religious living for the rest of her life. Before you became aware, you were drawn by the movie into the depth of an unshakable situation with no easy way out. The wealthy husband married many wives with this girl as the youngest. She then began her slow learning to understand what a widow’s life was with the messy helps other wives offered. Life evolved along a riverbank. People lived and died mostly without a fight. How confined those widows’ lives were lived within a few square miles of the land. Somehow, the movie managed to keep you from falling into an abyss of despair.

The movie seems to strike your emotional chord in several ways:

The innocence of the girl keeps the unbearable life going and going with hope. Hinduism believes that human suffering result from sins committed in your previous life. (forgive my over-simplification) You basically live through your life with whatever conditions as a given to hopefully redeem yourself. The young girl acts like a breeze of fresh air flowing through a few cracks that may exist in the rigid society under caste system. Her natural acting is a treat and reminds me of the two girls in the movie 城南舊事.

Water is everywhere. You drink, you bath, you wash, you cleanse, you travel, you enjoy, and you die cremated on the bank of river and ash spread. All things related to water go on at the same time with no event escaping from the other. It is such a tight universe that you can only enjoy distance at night when you look at the stars. It feels like that all lives start at the end because hope may exist beyond and all lives end at the start because all journeys are predetermined.

Along the persistently grey cinematographic line, there is a moment of intense color which coincides with the celebration of festivities in the movie. It is so memorable that this rare moment of joy lingers a long time even after the movie is long gone. For a while, you are lured to believe that life can be ultimately triumphant until you are near the end of the movie. I hope this modest revelation of the story end can only enhance your desire to see the movie. The color, in my opinion, flows with story line like match between hands and gloves.

In traditional China, widows were coerced into carrying husband’s name and staying single. People erected 貞節牌坊 to acknowledge the value of such practice. Between India and China, each has her share of blame due to similar practices. India still has the caste system in place although not as vigorously practiced. And China, well, is a vastly different country now from, let’s say, seventy years ago. The journey from there to here has been long and winding. A tentative conclusion seems to be that the gripping power of Confucianism is less omnipotent than Hinduism. This late note about the movie “Water” may offer no comfort of catching the movie in regular movie theaters. But it will be still rewarding even if you watch it on DVD.



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:45 AM

What does "Only Human" show us?

The advertisement of the hilarious Spanish movie "Only Human" is not noticeable, except it deserves more resonance. “Only Human” is similar to “Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?” but this film renders us a story showing even Jews and Palestinians can love each other and leave their hatred behind.

In Madrid, Leni, a Jewish daughter, hopes her family will accept her boy friend, Rafi, a Palestinian; therefore, Rafi is invited to eat dinner at her house.

To please his beloved Leni, Rafi pretends he is also a Jew, originally from Jerusalem. In history, Palestinians and Jewish have been coexisted and tangled in Jerusalem, Rafi has no problems answering questions regarding his faking “roots.”

The awkward parts come from her family members. Leni’s brother is practicing Hebrew rituals, which include trashing all non-kosher food. Her atheist sister flirts with any man she meets. This sister has a six-year-old daughter who imitates pregnant women’s behaviors . Her old blind grandfather has not forgotten lifting his rifle to fight against Palestinians.

Leni’s passionate mother insists that she is not a racist; however, when she finds out Rafi’s origin is her “enemy,” she compares her daughter’s romance to “Romeo and Juliet.” By the way, where is this family’s father?

Rafi is very nice, but not agile enough to stop misfortunate results. An icy container slips out his hands then falls from the kitchen window. Possibly it has hit and taken the life of Leni’s father who happened to be under their apartment. While Rafi’s conscience tells him to turn himself in, Leni chooses to hide this secret.

Funny yet complicated segments wrap follow one by one, until Rafi and Leni cannot avoid arguments. A few simple sentences outline the prolonged conflicts between these two groups:
“... you attack us.” “Yes, with rocks and hand made bombs. You have nuclear weapons.”
“Israel has to survive.” “There was no Israel.”

Opposite to another real war that just launched one week ago in the Middle East, this charming comedy ends without violence. May the peace be with the world. Amen.


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:18 AM


NBA打得如火如荼 , 兩大愛將姚明與Duncan出局 , 實屬憾事。身為姚迷 , 去年曾在戲院裡 , 與座滿四成全似華裔 , 共賞<姚之年> (The Year of Yao)。記錄片內 , Barkley因輕看姚明得分潛力 , 打賭輸後 , 在眾目睽睽下吻驢臀。大家也跟著姚明樂不可支。觀新出影碟時 , 請翻看此插曲數次。

東西方較勁兒 , 包括運動 , 只是著眼點不同。一乒乓名手宣告 , 受往生主席感召 , 才能奮發奪冠 , 西方人以為不可思議。<姚之年>首景 , 拍姚明老家開歡送會 , 鼓勵不離 “你為國家民族爭光 , 我們以你為榮 ! " 對此類期盼 , 洋人多覺太沉重。好在姚明本人不呼口號 , 和媒體記者輕鬆言談 , 機智幽默瀟灑 , 極為討好。 

姚之至交兼翻譯潘克倫 Colin Pine , 是另一令人欣慰例子。教華語時杞人憂天 , 擔心全球各洲莘莘學子 , 錢途無亮。沒料到風水輪轉 , 中文漸成顯學 , 將是政 , 學 , 工 , 商各業實用工具。潘克倫大膽往前走得好 !

稍早一雜誌爆料 , 姚明於優生學政策下出生。創造優良基因 , 為男女配對 , 過去在日本 , 德國不算新聞。無論真偽 , 或起於上一代文革遺怨 , 如此刨姚明根 , 於心何忍?幸虧沒再胡攪蠻纏。<姚飯館>在德州開得火紅 , 走資本主義路線挺好 !

談起隱私 , 凡人常愛偷窺 , 名人也愛現。但鏡頭幾次掃描姚明桌面 , 都被擋駕。姚明不讓女友倩影或消息暴光 , 這種老練 , 出現在年輕人身上 , 很能看出他的修養。狗仔八卦沒輒兒 , 他的公關也始終為他 , 包裝健康正面形象。

姚迷遍布各地 , 眾友戲謔 , 贈臺貓熊應取名<姚姚> , <明明> , 而非一相情願的 <團團> , <圓圓>。在國際場合 , 大張其鼓開記者會 , 擺出姿態 , 並非純粹送禮 , 著實叫對方為難。體育整合 , 親和力強 , 勝過文攻武嚇。咱們兒就打打球多好 !

姚明加油 !


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:22 PM


洛城正放映侯孝賢的<最好的時光> (Three Times) , 讓人又有機會重溫他的電影 , 捕捉懷舊時光。八零年代的新浪潮導演 , 已成前輩 , 淡出影界的有張毅 , 萬仁 , 陳坤厚等。楊德昌與侯孝賢 , 還於影展中露面。其中侯孝賢 , 最能展現獨特的臺灣經驗 , 作品找不著遭人詬病的媚外痕跡。故事環繞著眷村 , 鄉野 , 童玩;慘綠少年不碰聯考 , 補習班 , 在外或遊蕩 , 或謀生。雲淡風清。國際影評人雖未曾親身經歷 , 卻愛煞了侯孝賢的生態環境 , 並且認同。

陸陸續續在臺北看過侯孝賢編的<小畢的故事> , 來美後在影院看<悲情城市> , <海上花>。同時 , 教漢語的大學 , 或加州公視演過<冬冬的假期> , <風櫃來的人> , <戀戀風塵>。<最好的時光> 可以與這些影片 , 接上同樣的風格 , 因為他的靜慢遠鏡 , 總是緩緩流出歷史感與悲情感。

<最好的時光>散作三部分: 1966 的戀愛夢, 1911 的自由夢, 與2005 的青春夢。意味最醇的是第二段<自由夢> , 背景是1911年的臺灣。獻唱娛客的春樓 , 有詩意盎然的雅舍 , 雕樓 , 古鏡 , 燭燈 , 妝臺。重顯<海上花>精緻細膩的裝璜。寬袖鑲邊仕女袍 , 工筆隸體契約書。鋼琴獨奏 , 繞樑通過劇院 , 予耳目一場饗宴。

經過侯孝賢的調教 , 跟發掘潛能 , 張震洗盡浮佻 , 沉潛斯文。舒淇雍容華貴 , 溫柔婉約。他倆擁有韜光養晦後氣質 , 對坐堂屋 , 談家事 , 論國情。舒淇所扮藝妲的一句“先生所提 , 可是戊戌變法失敗的梁先生?”把當時的歷史勾勒出來了。張震這位公子 , 是當年追隨梁啟超的革命青年。片中姑隱其名 , 雖然呼之欲出 , 但不便對號入座。

<自由夢>是默片 , 無聲勝有聲。深色字幕佔滿銀幕 , 因打出上下直排語體文 , 如看插畫線裝書。帶著政治影子 , 連接<悲情城市>裡的啞藝術家。同樣失聲吶喊 , 卻直搗人心。

<自由夢>的精髓 , 應在它的悲情成分。除含<冬>片與<風>片之淡 , <自由夢>還附加對世態炎涼之嘳歎。公子和名妓 , 有情卻無緣。公子慷慨解囊 , 幫藝妲姐妹淘贖身 , 反乏力將紅顏知己 , 救離風塵。有一場令人心戚對手戲:舒淇站在張震椅背後 , 探問自己贖身可行否 , 再慢轉 , 背向鏡頭 , 哀怨以絹拭淚。張震慘臉 , 面向觀眾 , 同步用手擦眼眶。悲情氛圍 , 久久不散。

老闆不但不放手 , 又添一髫女入風月。成年人在她四周 , 摸摸比比 , 猶如購買商品。旋即又派師父 , 授以彈弦歌技 , 幼旦無從脫離歹命。此劇以藝妲拆閱公子尺素 , 感時憂國未減 , 前程茫茫 , 南管樂音悠然停格。



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 12:57 AM


在戲院內按耐荒謬劇情結束 , 我才能呼應電影<無極>的許多負面觀點。第一反感 , 是半空重覆賣弄旋轉功夫 , 將武俠片之美學 , 銷毀殆盡。<無極>號稱耗費超億人民幣 , 成品卻如此慘烈:介紹故事的播音員 , 承襲了文明戲之浮誇造作 , 配樂震耳突兀 , 色彩粗俗 , 佈景偽裝 , 琉璃黃瓦輕薄 , 道具怪誕 , 武士竟在馬戲團中 , 供摩拖騎士奔馳的圓球內決鬥。眾星中演技上乘的真田廣之 , 也像傀儡般僵硬 , 真是糟蹋了日片<黃昏清兵衛>之靈魂人物。

擺脫考據學的包袱 , <無極>牽強希臘神話的宿命 , 附會於不知年月的古國。沒有借鏡封神榜或鏡花緣 , 因它們與<無極>命運無關。女主角傾城 , 簡直仿冒木馬屠城的海倫:女神源於記恨 , 用海倫之絕世美貌 , 招惹城邦互戰多年。而幼兒傾城因為饑餓 , 奪人饅頭後 , 不慎將之落入水中 , 天仙滿神拾起 , 讓傾城果腹 , 並乖乖尊救命神為主人。美人從此得不著愛 , 且成禍水 , 害多名男子喪命。無歡因為失去饅頭 , 聚眾自立 , 既蓄奴 , 又殺生 , 真讓人看不下去。滿神又為何與天下男子 , 如此不共戴天 ?

命定論或自由意志論 , 哲學界探討了數世紀。<無極>有心探究 , 卻剪不斷 , 理還亂。奴隸崑崙縱使武功超人 , 卻懵懂愚忠。他和傾城因為孤貧 , 受神人擺佈。影片對為了溫飽無奈 , 封建低層的小人物 , 喪失悲憫之情。愛情固然可歌可泣 , 人性卻單一平板。

片中的金鳥籠 , 白羽衣 , 黑袍 , 盔甲 , 饅頭 , 均沾點生與慾之象徵 , 然過浮濫 , 畫虎成犬。陳凱歌早期的<黃土地> , 農民在乾涸的環境裡 , 咬牙認命 , 也跟天譴無關。全片黃褐寫實 , 老調但感人。

以西式之觀念 , 輸入中國架構內 , 也屬創新。<霸王別姬>是舊瓶新酒佳作。編劇李碧華 , 擅寫言情。她可把梨園伶人之生涯 , 在政局頻頻交替下 , 寫成軼詩。男女戀情 , 捲進佛洛依德的情結 , 故事立體 , 充滿了張力。有些濫情 , 但也得某幾影展青睞。

陳凱歌的<大閱兵> , 是文革後產品:冷颯飄風 , 旌旗滾動 , 配上熱情年輕的面膛。因為攝影突出 , 當時很轟動。但意識形態太重。兩岸在威權時代 , 都有類似活動 , 群體高於個人。已離開那環境的人 , 不但不共鳴 , 而且邊看邊覺受罪。

<無極>之前的影片<和你在一起> , 泫淚的情節有餘 , 理性不足 , 像剛出道之作。陳導客串一鋼琴大師 , 專喜沽名釣譽。彷彿下意識的自嘲:暗示從此將以商業片為生計 , 不搞藝術了。



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Friday, March 31, 2006 11:26 PM

The enjoyable “Joyeux Noel”

People who feel painful after seeing the movie “Crash” should try the French film -“Joyeux Noel” which lost in the competition for the best foreign movie category in this past Oscar. “Joyeux Noel” also deals with diverse races who were fighting during W.W.I.: solders from Scotland, France, and Germany. This real incident took place on Christmas evening, 1914.

An opera soprano goes to visit her husband, who was a tenor before the war, in the trenches, where every fighter is nervous to face death; however, Christmas brings joyful ambiance in time. With a tacit understanding, they believe that they should cease the fire. First, a Scottish priest decides to play Christmas carol with his pipe astonishingly.

The delighted melody inspires the two professional singers to sing. Despite that he might become an easy target to be shot, this brave tenor soldier sticks out his body, walks outside the shelters, and let out his voice magnificently. Gradually all hearts are melted to sing together and each one climbs up to the ground excitedly.

One German solider finds his lost cat, Felix, which is now named Nestor by his new French owner. The French leader’s wallet is returned by a German who keeps it because he is very fond of the pictures inside.

Under the influence of wine, they cheerfully share family photos. Some trilingual persons adapt to the situations to chat with new friends in English, French and German. The next day, they bury the frozen corpses to memorize Jesus’ birthday. Then the following activity is soccer time! Unavoidably a few slick players trick their rivals to fall down, but no scrabbles are ignited. They all play with childlike minds.

When everybody is sober, this military is even more humane: the German lieutenant tells his “enemies” to hide in the holes of his side, because he remembers the artilleries from his base are going to bomb his “friends.” Consequently, French and Scottish armies return favors to protect their German enemies by hiding them in the caves built on their sides.

These insubordinate behaviors upset their superiors. The German company is sent to fight against the Russians, hardly if they can survive in the front line next time. The Scottish priest is discharged and is reprimanded by his bishop who says the war is a “crusade” to destroy the evils. (At what government are they trying to mock?)

Too bad that nowadays we are not as innocent as these ordinary bakers, shopkeepers, and farmers in “Joyeux Noel.”

21 From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Saturday, March 04, 2006 12:13 AM


很少劇情片如<斷背山>, 承受洪潮般的誇讚與攻擊。<斷>片已衍成大賣座, 有待過濾;但多篇保守基督教的批評, 鎖定<斷背山>反家庭, 反男性, 反社會, 反西部片, 甚至反 John Wayne 與  Clint Eastwood。殊不知該二星在很多西部片裡, 徹底叛逆聖經中教育之寬容與抵制暴力。<斷>片突破了許多禁忌, 才導致泛眾的討論。

李安開場的音樂中, 風呼遼遠大草原, 接著跳接東南西北不同之副景。影迷都熟悉這是西部片的序曲, 只是典型的對打撕殺, 換作軟弱男子, 屈服在設定的傳統下, 傷害了自己和親朋, 也未盡人倫的責任。

編劇添加了一些原作未有的插曲, 比方Ennis痛揍二粗口人物;Jack邂逅一對夫妻, 卻與那位有婦之夫掀起了漣漪。然而兩作品共有一幕血腥:Ennis 之父領子跋往山腰, 觀看兩個同志被凌遲的慘狀。老子雖然幸災樂禍, 可憐稚子之恐懼, 永難泯滅。幾年前在Wyoming就發生暴民出於homophobia 的偏執, 活活戮死Mathew Shepherd 的慘劇。作家Annie Proulx 選該州作背景, 其原有自 ?

性暴力最能反射人的原始獸行:山間的二死者, 被 “閹殺”後棄屍荒野。(Ennis 暗示其父有分. P.270, Close Range, Scriber) Jack 的下場, 應該類似。(P. 282) 近如家屬, 可意識出Jack的性向。從法醫或警察報告中, 即獲真相。書中明示社會不容同性戀, 所以他的太太以車禍為藉口, 他的父親太以為恥, 不願葬兒於斷背山, 滿足親子的遺願。Jack懇求伴侶Ennis覓處同居, 在1963年是不夠清醒的主意; 而Ennis寡斷少言, 只能妥協苟活。

李安有意在130分鐘內, 網羅包括Ennis 之女兒, 與離婚後女友的附屬角色, 卻受無法細述的局限。部分情景用間接或暗示, 兩個打散工牛仔兒在帳棚裡, 逾越 “柏拉圖之戀”, 某些觀眾以為太突然及粗暴;可歎二十多年綿綿不絕之情意, 的確深動人心。原著用Ennis淚濕枕褥, 因 Jack又入夢終結。<斷>片高過某些強迫別人接受的同類電影, 因為它無意宣揚同性戀。

新世紀已解放不少禁忌:合理的心理, 基因, 和腦波解析, 讓人學習與認同。以前好萊塢的戰爭與西部片, 廣告常用“一部沒有女人的電影”, 所以殺人如麻 ? 非黑即白 ? 沒有灰色地帶 ? Rock Hudson 令女影迷瘋狂, 諷刺的是他只愛同志。

<水滸傳>的背景, 近似西部片:梁山泊108名“替天行道”分子, 多有綠葉, 鮮少牡丹。施耐菴只簡述了三對, 屬於夫妻關係。三位夫人:孫二娘(母夜叉), 扈三娘, 顧大嫂(母大虫)都幹飛簷走壁, 打家劫舍的勾當。除了以人肉包子待客外, 也與好兄弟們一塊兒割人腿肉, 炙烤大啖。(40回)施公有些詛咒歹人的口白, 明明無女性在場, 也以“鳥(賊)男女”貫之。

娘子們在書中不是聒燥, 就攛掇, 或說白道綠。“淫邪”者如閻婆惜, 潘金蓮, 潘巧雲, 李巧奴, 皆不獲山王寨主喜愛, 被挖心砍頭是她們的下場。殺妻的宋江百般縱容李逵, 此<黑旋風>連四歲兒童之頭顱, 也劈成兩半。(50回)武松雖不解風情, 偏偏與<花和尚>魯智深交情極密。晁蓋終日打熬筋骨, 不娶妻室, 有人投奔, 不論好歹, 留住莊上。(13回)

綠林好漢重逢時, 常“各訴朝夕相愛之戀”。盧俊義被黑白兩道陷害, 他的僕從燕青拼命相救。第60回形容“盧員外養得他大... 因燕青一身雪練白肉, 叫匠人刺了遍體花繡, 卻似玉庭柱上鋪著軟翠... 更吹得彈得, 唱得舞得... 百伶百俐... ” 其他回合也敘述某些帥哥耳鬢插花, 扮相俊美。

Jack幼年曾被父親冷酷地抽打。(P. 282) 兩個父親都剛愎嚴峻, 知道兒子幼時, 就不同於普通男兒。在封閉鄉下, 他們受的教育也不高, 沒有藉著了解, 親近孩子的念頭。惡性循環, 使第三代也吃苦。明代的施耐菴, 用宋哲宗時的黑社會, 借古諷今。可是一夥兒潑皮流氓, 對女性無限鄙視。漢子之間相處的遣辭用字, 以現代觀點來看, 是否曖昧 ?

一齣希臘神話最映照人之本性, <奧迪賽>眾水手, 划過女妖島時, 因蠟封雙耳, 所以未被歌聲誘惑。唯一聽見的Odysseus, 著迷得急欲跳入濤中, 幸虧船柱捆身, 倖免於難。

看官 ! 女子與同志非難養也, 皆可敬之 !

20 From: charter [周曉宏] 
Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:03 PM

斷背山 (Brokeback Mountain)

久仰斷背山這片大名, 不去親身體會下怎行?進了戲院, 雖然自然專注的看完全片, 也許是英文沒法百分之八十懂, 但是心中絕對有疑問---如此平凡簡單的故事, 還能拍出二小時多的電影, 又沒有什麼高潮起浮, 是否譽過於實了?-----

我數度扭頭想看看周遭人的反應, 好像都沒有像我這般急燥, 大家都全神貫注的觀賞。而我心中老在---言過其實, 太單調無奇----的窠臼中打轉。最後片尾以主角凝視亡友的夾克, 全片嘎然而止的手法, 我也是沒有特別的感動, 對我來說, 太普通了點

這些初步的反應, 卻在我回家路上有了修正, 當我再試著回想這全片的構思及情節時, 這種簡單零碎反而成了我一再細細咀嚼的東西, 把所有片段連繫在一起時, 我被感動了, 那一幕幕簡單的場景及對白, 卻包含了這麼多的人生無奈。若將同性換成異性, 是不是各人馬上離婚再結婚就能永遠快樂幸福?或者是因為別的社會或自身的禁忌, 使人只能藕斷絲連?或像胡適和他美國女友一樣, 通信而不能常相廝守?….王子公主結合也免不了吵架, 甚至背叛?不能在一起這件事創造了多少悽愴美感, 觸動了多少人的心弦?…我久久不能自己!

劇中描述那拘謹少言的Ennis會在和Jack共事一段時間後藉著酒精的摧化, 暢談自己的經歷及感受, 更在偶然的天寒地凍夜晚, 二人共處一帳篷時, 突發的獸性, 拉近了雙方的距離。事後清醒時雖然想迴避, 但擋也擋不住內心深藏的情, 老天讓他們儘情的享受了這一趟牧羊之旅

天下沒有不散的筵宴, 何況這種事, 兩人也明白, 也許每年夏天上山牧羊是好的時機, 但是Ennis結了婚, Jack南下德州也結婚了, 都想忘了這段情, 直到四年後, 又搭上線, 再見面的激情, 洪水般的來臨。斷也斷不了, 但也只能年見一次於斷背山, 還要欺騙太太, 以釣魚夥伴為籍口。卻從來沒帶魚回家….

Ennis的太太發現了這關係, 雖然想忽視, 並且因為有兩位女兒, 但郎心早己不在, 他們只好離婚了。這比先生有女友而分手還要沈痛啊!Jack就好了些, 也因為生活較富裕吧, 他一直維繫了家直到他身亡, 中間也有因苦於和Ennis糾纏不清時, 找過男妓。相對下Ennis雖貧困, 要工作及付瞻養費, 但用情很深, 連愛他的女友他也放棄了, 就因為他有這顆心。他愛人不希望別人受傷害…社經地位對人想儘情去做想做的事有影響 , 但也不是全部

最後Ennis無法完成Jack的心願, 只有保存到Jack留下的夾克相思相念!

片中一段段鎖事初看下沒啥感受, 回想時就有道理了, 如Ennis在國慶煙火會上痛扁飛車嘻皮士, 陽剛男子氣顯露無疑。Jack對他岳父的痛斥, 令他太太竊喜, 都有生花妙筆之趣。而Ennis因為工作之需一定要改變約會的日子, 也是所有世間小人物生活重擔之痛吧!

回想起來一部先被你看輕, 但細細品嚐後其味無窮的片子或事情甚至人物還真的不少。這也提醒人凡事不要只憑第一印像, 縱使它十次有九次準。反之亦然

最理想的還是一開始就震憾著人, 回想起來也仍然味道十足的事情。小品電影很難達到, 我可能再看一遍, 印証下自己神經是否真的粗了點!

From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Tuesday, February 01, 2005 12:56 AM


I thought the violence in the movie “Capote” would be as explicit as it is in the book “In Cold Blood.“ In fact, there are few dreadful moments, but the playwright - Dan Futterman, skillfully conveys how Truman Capote is dedicated to an unprecedented “non fiction novel” for six years. The center of the script is that Capote forms a friendship with one of the two murderers - Perry Smith, then uncovers the details of the killing, yet ends up ruining his own writing career.

Capote is performed by Philip Seymour Hoffman who has shown acting potential in other films as supporting roles. This time, being the leading figure, besides loosing weight, Hoffman also speaks in a high pitch nasal tone with low sound volume, his tongue tip blurs with words. His hands stretch out back and forth, not a masculine body language, which suggests what his sexual orientation is. Hoffman totally blends into Capote, making us believe they are the same character.

Capote’s other books were well-known at an early age. In 1959, a quadruple murder case in Holcomb, Kansas shocked the whole nation. In an effort to surpass his peers, Capote used his chance to visit the perpetrators to start a new genre of creative writing - partly news report, partly in literature style. All his fans and the “New Yorker’s” publisher were anticipating the final draft of this new book - In Cold Blood, Capote won the trust of Perry Smith, at the same time he needed the confession revealing how those two killers cruelly destroyed four lives of one family.

It is very engrossing to watch the camera zooming in, shooting Capote and Smith’s interactions. They both are insecure, Capote’s occasional tics and trembles on the left face beneath his nose, accompanying Smith’s constant blinking eyes. We see how Capote feeds Smith with soft canned food when Smith refuses to eat, Smith even receives Thoreau’s “Walden” from Capote. In letters Smith requests Capote hire the best lawyer to escape capital punishment.

In their childhood, they both are poor, without normal family lives. Capote is very ambivalent, he feels sympathy for this criminal, is obsessed with their ongoing friendship, but he has to give his readers the facts. In 1965, finally Capote tells Smith that he wants to know how they committed the crime: This movie’s flashbacks display bloody pictures of the horror: At the beginning, they are merely intent on robbery, then they tie the victims up, and in a sudden impulse, they shoot the gun to slaughter them all.

Capote is broken by the reality since he has cheated himself into believing that Smith is a normal person as anybody else. On the other hand, for the purpose of giving “In Cold Blood” an epilogue, he betrays his friend. In his book, he details the cruel massacre, and Smith is hanged to pay the price. Afterwards, Capote forever is living lonely with all his admirers, fame, and wealth. He cannot write anymore, can only be addicted to alcohol which terminates his life. We know actually his guilt kills him.

18 From: charter [周曉宏]
Friday, January 20, 2006 2:30 AM


如果你是一位無神論者, 或者相信人生是一連串的偶然, 在關鍵時刻決定你的勝負是那一點點的幸運, 它可以幫你, 也可以使你全盤皆輸。這就是我看完這場<決勝時刻>的感想。

由於事先知道這是一部談外遇的電影, 又加上是伍迪艾倫沈寂許久以來出的一部片子。他本身的這種黑色人生, 已經使我們不斷探討……人究竟是如何為了自己的快樂, 違背許多社會的規範;也對他的對象, 年輕養女順宜的故事, 充滿了好奇。到底一位由養女成為元配的事情不多, 可以稱之為新聞。而女方在比男方小這樣多歲數下, 還是和他有小孩, 有家庭。這已經會讓我們喜歡偷窺的人, 有太多的好奇。想了解那種心路歷程……是不是小的想要安穩, 錦衣玉食過日子, 男的精力已逝,再也無法捻七搞三 ? ……於是利用周末就去欣賞這片了。

全片前2/3 頗為動人, 尤其是看到許多激情, love 與lust 的交錯。二位由低下階層, 努力利用自己還有的資本, 向上爬升的故事, 無可厚非。而主要著眼點, 卻是他們用的裙帶關係, 也令人有些無奈。而這性感的女人, 卻在某些時候, 極端的沒有自信, 屢戰屢敗。只有酒精下肚時, 有些似是而非的自信, 這些吸引了另外那位以自己的運動才能, 攀附了富家人的帥男。無奈她已是富家男的情人, 他只可遠觀而已。偶然的機會中, 他和她有了關係。但終敵不過這財富之惑, 各人臣服在自己的命運及想追求的目標上。

女的運氣較差, 或者可以說稍有志氣。還在為生活打拼。男的扶搖直上,生活無缺,但總是懷念這位佳人。偶而的機緣再度重逢, 展開了茶不飲, 飯不思,日日夜夜念著她的典型外遇情景。看他像飛蛾撲火般的追尋那快樂。

好景不常。雖然偶而的蛛絲馬跡, 被不上道的朋友提起, 但有位深愛他的富家女(也許略有白痴, 或大智若愚。想要什麼, 就能得到。表面很好,人人稱羨就行的老謀深算女人)

一切無事, 直到這女友突然懷了孕, 逼得他到攤牌時刻。實際上這之前導演就已經暗式了這場外遇,是一種短暫激情罷了。因為他始終難以向太太啟齒。而且他向朋友吐露心事時, 也否認自己不愛太太(我想這種愛是只要安逸生活吧 ! 尤其他們只結婚幾年而已。大部分這種狀況, 是結婚十幾二十年之後呢 ! )這註定了這位第三者出局的命遇。

後面1/3 我不忍觀之, 太多的庸俗, 殘忍。也闡明了“偶然論”的看法……只要你有一點點幸運, 人生依舊康莊。它違反了我們大多數人善有善報的思維。雖然如此, 整部片子還是扣人心弦。令你似有所感。再想想看社會上的人追求財富, 追求不勞而獲的心態(或是善用你的本錢, 你美麗帥俊, 就用它賺到你的生活及財富。也不能說不勞而獲, 這是祖師爺賞飯吃。)

這部片可以去看, 但是希望你已有了人生定見, 雖然我已經以為人生太多小機緣, 決定你許多事, 但看到人大剌剌的列出來宣揚, 還真的不好受, 心中有矛盾呢 !


From: charter [周曉宏]
Friday, January 20, 2006 12:45 AM


報紙上常對中國包二奶的事大加討論。這種自有人類來就有的事, 加上經濟上的誘因, 成為一個腐敗社會的象徵, 尤其當這成為一個普遍現象。人們前赴後繼, 只要有一點辦法, 就想去躋身其中. 因而貪贓枉法的事多的很.層出不窮.

實際上男女之間的情愛是人生很重要的一環。婚姻是社會上建立的規範, 制度化人們的行為.但是仍有這一部分的人不能遵守已建立的規矩。有意的無意的不循規矩.雖然這是一個痛苦的煉獄, 人也是必要時會非走這一途, 而那些心存僥倖, 想左右逢源的人也是大有人在。

人的價值觀影響了他對情的處理方式, 當事情發生之時, 沒人能想得清楚, 只曉得被愛及愛人的樂趣。若有原則, 可以一開始就拒絕, 也許一切均不會發生, 更多時候是一方去主動邀約, 使情況一發不可收拾。

這兩部電影就是探究這人生的:主角都是很不錯的男人, 遭到了他人的愛戀, 他們因此在這天堂煉獄中起浮。因為他們的不拒絕, 甚至於可以說是自己貪婪於這種幻樂, 發生了糾纏不清的各種際遇, 我想若人世間竟然有這種不計條件去愛人的人, 任何聖人也擋不了。

雖然這些不計較慢慢的會變成了有計較, 或你瞞也瞞不了, 另一半宣稱他的權力時,地獄門就打開了.常想另一半不知情時愛你,知情後會依然愛你嗎 ? 或者反之你還會依然照顧這位別人以為”背叛”了你的人?….日子不會好過的 !

人有了手機,真是拜新科技之賜, 讓想劈腿的人無所遁形。如同<手機>劇中另一位想而未做,卻惹得一身腥的文化人的歎息----古代文人上京趕考, 二三年不見家人, 夫人也無從知曉他在外的變化。如今一通電話, 一紙E-Mail, 就可以知曉人的行蹤, 躲不過哦--- 私密性好難再有了。加上本來這種多角關係是大多人無法接受的, 於是人生就難再起波浪, 不再激情, 一切慢慢趨於平淡。

男與女的激情,有人研究大約不會超過一年, 再久就轉換成了關懷及親友的愛了。所以人一定要激情嗎?一千人會有一千種看法吧.

談外遇, <手機>中的景像就比較功利多了。主角葛優有三位知己。其中一位是要藉著他的地位往上爬的妙齡女子。她給與主角最高的激情, 葛優也因此受傷最重。

他的太太有社會賦予的地位, 但是卻毫不托泥帶水---知道愛人一犯再犯, 斬也斬不斷這些外面花草時, 毅然遠遁。他不願裝聾做啞.但是戲中安排女方生了個小孩, 大摡是記念這段愛的吧 ! 人都試著執著的愛一個對自己真誠的人, 可是仍是難抵擋某些激情快樂。劇中的先生們不會不愛自己的太太, 但也犧牲不了自己的歡樂, 因此只好說謊。這種謊也是要使對方好過一點吧 ! 但終於紙包不住火.

第三位女士是最悲的, 男的只不過是將她視為傳統上持家的人。男人仍不斷的享受外來激情,女士大慨只是因為寂寞吧 ! 她以為男的會變,但依舊要面臨這些背叛.

片子結尾時, 男人事業受到影響,他的感受也沒法被人了解, …一點點的,他只好退出了人生及事業的舞台。

<一聲歎息>就簡單了些, 但多刻畫了這位出軌先生元配的掙扎, -----被人背叛時的痛苦, 卻又割拾不掉的這分情。另外他們半大不小的女兒, 也是被波及的對象。身心上都有極大的衝擊。

那位無怨無悔的第三者, 無條件的追逐這位她一生難得一見的情人時,所受的煎熬真是難以想像,她必然從他那兒吸收到了無窮的能量吧, 這些超越了他要面對的苦, 因此奮不顧身的去愛值得愛的人。

這種三角習題,只有男方能解,他主宰了這一切, 解不了只因為內心深處,他多貪心,渴望有這麼一分愛 ! 雖然因為情義, 他再回到原有的家庭生活中, 但任何一個觸動, 都會使這星星之火撩原的。這也是片尾所暗示的.

人生的悲歡離合, 永遠是感動人心的題材。人的感情, 常常是超脫了現有社會的規範, 也許這會受到相當程度的懲罰。 但世上卻永不缺這種事!


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:34 PM


At this year's turning-point, people with different faiths are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa...etc.  Two very religious films coincide with this holiday season: “Bee Season” and “The Chronicles of Narnia.”   In these two films, two little girls pluck up the courage to save their worlds, to stand out, being different from other beings around them. Respectively, they are young actress Flora Cross, who is Eliza in “Bee Season” in a Jewish family; and Georgie Henley, who is Lucy in “The Chronicles of Narnia,” based on C. S. Lewis’ Christian allegory.

The prelude for the audience in “Bee Season” presents an ostensibly harmonious family riding in a car, that moves around on the smooth road  The music’s movements are as the waves in the ocean.  Eliza is watching outside through the vehicle’s windows.  Only she pays attention to a big “A” which is hung outside of a helicopter.  This plane flies in search of the destination for “A.”  Finally we see the letter “A” being inserted in the landmark sign “OAKL ND;” however, this story goes beyond spelling contests.

Saul Naumann (Richard Gere) is the father of this upper crust family. Saul is not only teaching Jewish theology, but also a true follower of Kabbalah, which makes him believe that words create the reality.  He pursues spiritual perfection.  When he finds that his younger daughter is able to exist with words, not by memorizing, but by seeing them, he decides to “train” Eliza to the highest religious level.

Now the Naumann family collapses because of this tension.  His son is being put aside by Saul-- instead of playing an instrument with his father formerly, he is recruited by another religion group.  Following an illusion, the mother feels that she is repairing the world when she actually is stealing inexpensive jewelry.  Saul is so focused on his prodigy daughter, that he does not notice any change in the family.

Eliza observes subtle elements, senses that she might have altered the steadiness of her home.  She wins the championship from the bottom to the toughest competition.  On the evening before the big challenge, she encounters the experiment that the ordinary people cannot reach - all the “words” circle her until she is struck on the floor.  Awakening next morning, she makes her own decision. When she confronts the last competitor, she gives the wrong answer.  In the end she and her brother embrace their father who cries in public immaturely.

C. S. Lewis liked to instill Christianity into his writings, he also interpreted theology within his stories.  Little Lucy is a good example, Lucy is the youngest one among her four siblings.  Without Lucy’s entrance to the backdrop of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” nobody could enter the significant episodes to witness all the touching experiences.  Certainly the repentance, the sacrifice, and redemption is not possible to occur.

Lucy is honest, innocent, kind of too naive to recognize the insidious mankind.  When playing the game of hide and seek, Lucy accidentally falls into a forbidden “wardrobe,” she meets a faun - Mr. Tumnus.  Her gentle nature makes her forget keeping a distance from this stranger.  Lucy accepts Mr. Tumnus’ invitation to his house for tea.  In fact, a witch has ordered this faun to turn in all humans. Mr. Tumnus appreciates Lucy’s friendship, decides not to obey his master, hence he tells Lucy to leave.

Another plot point is when the symbol of the Christ, - the lion, dies on a big rock, Lucy is extremely heartbroken, she weeps and does not escape to abandon her friend, although she does not understand why the lion has died for her brother.  This scene matches the description about Jesus’ death in the New Testament.  Lucy’s deeds fits two verses in the Book of Matthew as well - “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Presently our earth is divided:  Being holy or secular, being sanctified or commercialized, pro or con war, celebrating or disdaining Halloween, even to supporting or attacking “Harry Potter.”  Many members in different groups insist on their own principles. Arguments are above discussion. Youngsters suffer from adults’ disputes.  The behaviors of Eliza and Lucy’s can stimulate us, the grown-ups to think deeper about how we should act in our own lives.

To contribute this article to my 8 months old niece, Kyra Campbell


From:  [蔡士魁]
Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:25 PM


我近兩三年來已經很少看電影了, 不過這部片子我在幾個月前還曾經特地去借了「功夫」的VCD回家看。

不知道是家中的音效比電影院的差太多, 還是因為自己囫圇吞棗, 看完後也實在看不清個中奧妙。除了正式領教到什麼是周星馳的「無厘頭」之外, 看到後面也差不多忘了前面有哪些精采的畫面了。把漫畫的手法拿到電影中來, 我只有苦笑的份了。

我很佩服那些影評人, 每次都能把我看不懂的電影分析得頭頭是道。「功夫」得獎了, 偉大的影評人再一次讓我覺得自已真像是個電影白痴。

唯一有一件是影評人, 好像都沒有人直接點明劇中的「斧頭幫」在影射當前的中國共產黨、「癩蛤蟆精」影射的就是江澤民。這不是我意識形態太重, 實在是影射得太露骨了。解謎都在電影最後的十分鐘, 這是我唯一覺得自已不那麼白痴的一部電影。

有興趣的人 可以從  連到更多的影評與「功夫」的官方網站。


From: charter [周曉宏]
Saturday, November 19, 2005 1:25 PM

看了場In Her Shoes,頗為感人.描述兩位姊妹的情誼以及他們面對自己人生中的各種情況.---妹妹是感情中人,浪蕩不拘.姊姊是理智領頭,事業有成,但情感上卻有所遺憾.外加一位多年不見個性逼人的外祖母,和屈服及沈浸在現在幸福家庭中的父親.穿插著令人豉舞的積極向上,找到自我的定位.





老教授細心耐心的引導她步出這幽谷,拾回自己被放棄的一面. 在加上外婆的調教,使他延展了自已原有的天份.






From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Saturday, November 12, 2005 1:27 AM


On one evening fifty years ago, two of my favorite writers - Elia Kazan and Arthur Miller, had to take opposite stands.  When they were separated in this last meeting of their lives, I wonder if they bade, “Good night, and good luck?”

George Clooney’s - Good Night, and Good Luck, a black and white docu-drama genre film, depicts the period of time when Senator Joseph McCarthy was engaged in a “communist” witch hunt in1954.  The HUAC - The House Un-American Activities Committee, called different witnesses to give up the names of the suspected communists.

Kazan on that particular night decided to tell the names of his friends, but Miller refused to do so; therefore, Miller left for Europe the next morning.

Clooney stays focused on how a crew of newsmen fight firmly against HUAC, and all the pressure on them.  The main setting is in CBS’s newsroom.  Although everyone’s mouth puffs out cigarette smoke which circles their faces, the dialogue is so wise and vivid, that the audience does not want to miss any word.

McCarthy fails to continue his hunting, because these news workers prevail over him, based on how they strongly disbelieve that McCarthy is privileged to put labels on other people, and can fabricate the “crimes” that those “communists” do not intend to commit.

The splendid actor, David Strathairn, plays Edward R. Murrow, who is the leader of these newscasters.  Strathairn exudes his charisma as well as Gary Cooper did in the good old Western movies.  The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes even bring tension to the movie.  Murrow’s farewell in the conclusion of Friday night’s “Person to Person,” is “Good night, and good luck!”  After little luck with rebuttal, McCarthy disappears from the political stage.

However, the price for hunting the “traitors” was horrendous. Numerous writers could not publish forever.  Some used their wives’ names to win Oscar Awards.  Additionally, the trust and friendship between friends was damaged.  There were two professors who pretended to be strangers on USC’s campus for their life time.

Kazan had many masterpieces, including “Splendor in the Grass” which sympathizes with a woman who is not allowed to marry a rich guy, “On the Waterfront” which shows a man who is steadfast in resisting corruption. Kazan’s compassion for human beings is highly respectful, but it is said that for economic reasons, he needed to betray his fellows.

I watched Arthur Miller’s play - “Crucible” twice, was horrified by how humankind could persecute a group of young ladies who were accused of having exercised witch crafts.  Miller utilized a drama to imply how McCarthyism could mislead people.

Three years ago, I had a serious debate with a social studies teacher who defended Kazan, and said that Miller’s personal life was immoral. Contrary to Kazan and Miller, we still discuss various subjects quite often because we are not forced to take sides.

But what if the majority of my country is more gullible than before?  Why is it that “patriotism” and “religion” can control people’s minds and lead to a war?  How can we find out the truth when it is covered by the so-called “proofs?”



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 10:43 AM

An insightful collage - Nine Lives

There are nine short stories in director Rodrigo Garcia’s movie - Nine Lives.  The major roles are nine women who show us different slices from their lives. The details are very intriguing to watch.

Some characters are interwoven with other individuals in two different episodes. For instance, a pregnant woman (Robin Penn Wright) bumps into her former boyfriend who tries again to arouse her old passion for him. He succeeds in a way, because for a while she restrains the emotions inside; in the end, she still is looking for him, yet the aisles in the supermarket seem to be too much of a maze for her to locate him.

This man’s face appears one more time in another woman’s (Holly Hunter) story; however, he turns out to be an observer, watching another couple’s severe quarrel in his new house. In this episode he is a supporting actor, ironically he can do nothing.

A woman (Elpidia Carrillo) in jail is bothered by a male guard on a daily basis.  Later, we are dropped hints that in this man’s own life he probably had sexually harassed his stepdaughter (Lisa Gay Hamilton.)  This crime causes such a deep scar in this poor woman’s head, no matter how much she vents the anger out, she is haunted.

This stepdaughter shows up as a nurse in a hospital to take care of a nerve-wracking cancer patient (Kathy Baker)  From this medical care taker’s facial expressions, we can see that she has no sympathy for any tragedy in her routine job and we understand why.

The aforesaid patient’s surgeon also is a mother in a previous episode in that she attends a funeral with her husband and daughter.  Supposedly they are there to console their ex- son-in-law whose wife died of committing suicide.  Unfortunately their careless daughter ignores her own responsibility for the sad consequence.
Nevertheless, Sissy Spacek‘s awakening brings some positive aspects in this collage. When she clandestinely dates her boyfriend in a motel, she observes some policemen take a teenage girl away. She cuts the tryst short because she remembers that she has a daughter, Samantha (Amanda Seyfried) who is taking care of all responsibilities at home.

Before this vignette, Samantha gives up on going to a university on the east coast.  She runs to each parent’s room, responding to their endless questions while her father is bound to a wheelchair, her mother is ironing clothes.

These lives are so real that we can find our own pieces of stories deep in our hearts.


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Monday, October 31, 2005 1:26 PMS


馮小剛導演的“天下無賊, ”節奏快速, 令人目不暇給, 蒙太奇是西式的佳作, 而故事中的小人物能引申許多支節來。遺憾的是錄影帶失去原味, 尤其是女主角跪在廣大天地之間, 對神明的虔誠, 完全沒有震憾觸感。

天片中的火車之旅, 從華北至藏區, 猶如西遊記般的紀事, 不在真實環境中。劇裡傻根(王寶強)是塊未琢的璞玉, 相信天下無賊, 偏偏上了賊車, 火車上儘是壞分子, 覬覦他掙來討房媳婦兒的六萬塊錢。但天憐好人, 一對鴛鴦大盜 ﹣王簿(劉德華)與王麗(劉若英)感愧於他的真誠, 化身甘作他的守護天使, 與另一有組織的黑幫對決, 才能改變層層危機。傻根最後仍帶著工錢回家, 對曾經發生的險境, 渾然無覺, 依舊堅信天下無賊。

中國作品對小人物的題材, 一向很多, 大部分具悲天憫人的情懷。天片是嘻笑怒罵式的黑色喜劇, 當然有社會批判的成分在內。比方說火車內的背景, 與外界完全分隔。裡頭的人物, 互相較競鬥爭, 法定的治安人員, 反而成了介入者, 種種罪行真正發生時, 他們無力折衝。是不是另類“上有政策, 下有對策 ? ”

王麗內心的天人交戰, 起於身體正孕育著另一新生命, 於是打算洗心革面, 不再重蹈覆轍。她一路上對傻根的照顧, 徹底是母性的本能。幾次憤而離開男友王簿, 卻又重合。兩人相濡以沫。

王簿是個宵小, 也是夾縫中求生的可憐人。很多場景他被摒於車門外的小空間中, 不屬於任何團體, 單個籌謀對付大群體的策略。他維持生計的本事就是扒竊, 卻不用武器;同時也顧情義, 將到手的贓款, 幾次送回。偏偏小巫總會碰著大魔, 他的單打獨鬥, 不敵有組織又暴力的對手, 終於刀刃下流血送命。

葛優飾演的大盜頭子, 劇本開始似乎對他有些手下留情。老實說對六萬塊人民幣, 讓麾下鼠輩搶奪, 未免勞師動冢。由於他欣賞王簿, 故而願意親自對峙, 多少有鬥智的意味;然而他本性殘忍, 非絕人於死地不可。牛魔王仍是個狠毒角色。

片中還有幾個小角色, 李冰冰好像鐵扇公主, 隨著幫主專整好人, 徒勞無功。二頭目跟他的嘍囉, 是甘草人物, 搞笑攪局很生動。這樣的小品, 不需要大場面, 也是叫座的好成積。


From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:45 AM


影迷對王家衛導演的風格, 排斥與熱愛, 壁壘分明。有一群明星, 為了伸展另纇演法, 癡癡地等他, 甘作導演棒下囚, 不能照本宣科排練, 洗後又重拍, 無從預知下一步。即便是數年後影片才殺青, 亦無埋怨。

王導演顯然不在乎世俗規範, 各片有自己的演繹方式。我看“東邪西毒" 時, 只驚異各格在杜可風攝影下, 化作張張印象畫。“重慶森林”用吃鳳梨罐頭, 反諷時間逝去人不惜。“春光乍現”的南美風情, “似水年華”的緬懷舊情, 都是深刻的第八藝術。

“2046” 最具趣味的部分, 應該是很長一段的火車夢幻, 進入流離的隧道中。列車上的服務員, 有王菲, 劉嘉玲等, 身著宛如太空人的制服, 在走道中步履緩慢, 面色虛無。由遠而近, 小而大。伴隨車上的廣播, 沒有招待顧客的任何動作。這樣的蒙太奇, 插在往昔與現實裡, 簡直是“2001年太空漫遊”(2001
Space Odyssey) 的重現。

如此的夢囈, 對有些觀眾是催眠;但有些人如我, 卻享用那不可承受之沉重。大導演史丹利.庫布利克(
Stanly Kubrick) 的經典畫面, 模仿者歷來有之, 然而這種追念大師的手法, 令人目不轉睛。

好像“2046”在台北首映時, 許多人歸納它成不堪入目的色情片, 但在商業掛帥的今日, 若有一特立獨行的導演, 只顧己身觀念拍片, 總有心甘情願的觀眾, 樂於接受調教吧 !



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘] 
Saturday, September 16, 2005 9:56 PM


As the casting list starts in the movie of “Broken Flowers,” we observe bundles of letters being put in the production line to be sorted.  All envelops are combined from the same regions, then divided into each individual residence.  Later, this movie’s protagonist - Don, portrayed by Bill Murray, goes on the road. The traffic lines are merged and diverged. This metaphor makes us wonder if we are also alienated from the real world sometimes?

Don initiates a personal journey because a mysterious letter informs him that the writer of the letter, 19 years ago, was pregnant with his son, and now his son is on the way searching for his father.  Bill Murray’s performance is perfect for a bored middle age man who suddenly becomes curious about revisiting his past to find something he never knew.

Don’s grandiose mansion stands out in a seemingly housing project community.  Similar to the story of Oscar Wild’s, all the playing kids are isolated from a lonely giant who has luxurious furniture and modern equipment, but Don is not sharing with any one.

Luckily this lonely giant has a zealous neighbor, Winston, who aspires to be a sleuth as good as Sherlock Holmes.  Winston encourages Don through cell phone even when they are facing each other, to dig out who had mothered his son.

Then Don begins to visit four women to resolve this riddle. Now respectively they are closet designer, realtor, animal communicator, and the last female is in a very depressed state. This film does not flash back to show how they were, but Don just cannot link up with them any more.  In the end he becomes paranoid on the street, suspecting any stray young man could be his son.

Among those four characters, Sharon Stone is the designer and Jessica Lange, the animal communicator.  These two stars have also hit the glass ceiling of the their professions due to their ages.

Besides Woody Allen, Murray is another good actor who can make brilliant fun of his middle age self.  Not knowing how to deal with the late 1/3 life, he is puzzled, unhappy, motionless... We can identify his pessimism, yet not indulge ourselves in the same trap.



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:56 PM


戴思杰在大陸影界不知歸位為第幾代 ? 在他著作並導演的“巴爾扎克與小裁縫”中, 運鏡流暢, 有大師的潛力。當代大陸電影呈現懷舊, 是一種很普遍的現狀。陳沖導的“天浴, ”顧長衛由掌鏡人轉為導演的“孔雀, ”都流露出檢討文革時給青年造成的傷害。但巴片有另一種甦醒的意識, 感傷之意味淡些。

“天浴”中的少女秀秀, 是個被下放的中學生, 世事未解, 在荒郊野外, 只好賣身來交換返家的條件, 日復一日, 明知眾男子只在欺騙, 也對成為洩慾工具無動於衷。自絕於人民是最後的下場。

“孔雀”裡的姐姐, 生長在熱鬧的巷弄中, 但不甘於平淡, 總要出頭。一日把降落傘繫在腳踏車後, 飛馳鄰里, 驚動眾生。終生鍾戀的愛人竟然對她毫無印象, 然大半輩子已過, 唏噓之餘, 卻見孔雀開屏在家人面前, 對她是一種頓悟吧 ?

巴片中對“土豪劣紳”的清算鬥爭, 較少著墨。倒是人物溶於山水之美, 惡人施展不了魔力了。倆個知青下放到四川的鳳凰山, 接受再教育。他們同時愛上了天真浪漫的姑娘。外向的牙醫之子先爭取到愛, 內歛的提琴手照顧少女, 無求報答。沒有三角衝突老套。

倆青年在禁書時代, 有幸偷得一箱翻譯小說來滋補內心的渴望。山民最受益的娛樂是露天放映的共黨國家電影。他倆給少女講解西方世界的巴爾扎克, 大仲馬;何處是歐洲, 法國, 巴黎。這樣的啟迪, 使姑娘對外界無限的神往。

三峽水壩淹沒鳳凰山前, 老百姓在水裡放天燈, 紀念死者與即將消散之景物, 逝者如斯, 是個絕美的意象。

同樣是懷舊, 但陳舊的題材需要翻新。濫情和渲洩, 哭哭涕涕與慘絕人寰的畫面, 已經該由外露化為內省, 新生代需要的是破繭而出的自由吧 ! 



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:20 PM


The documentary - March of the Penguin, makes me sigh, “Life is but a series of ordeals!” for those  emperor penguins inhabiting Antarctica.

Morgan Freeman, the Oscar winner and the prince with a British Accent in the movie - Shakespeare’s Story,” sarcastically narrates, “It is not negotiable.” when we see the fledging penguin chicks are abandoned by their mothers.  Actually the real predicaments come after this when these babies grow up to be five years old.

When thousands of emperor penguins are ready to reproduce offspring, they dive out of the deep ocean, cuddling together on the dry land which only occupies 2 % of the South Pole, to meet their mates. 70 miles of expedition in harsh wind, 100 miles an hour, and -70 degree climate would kill some who are slow to catch up, yet the crowd still keeps going.  The camera on the sky covers the mass of their dark blue skin as if they are pilgrims dressed in burkha.

The most amazing part is how they suffer in starvation.  The period of mating, giving birth and hatching eggs, caring for the newborns, and exchanging parenthood responsibilities causes them to loose 1/2 or 1/3 of their weight.  Months later each male or female has to waddle back to the sea to be fed then go back to feed their youngsters.

Too many of them do not survive the cold weather, hunger, and predators, but there are many cozy scenarios such as how they use bellies to protect eggs, and take turns at the center to be warmed up by the outsided companions.  The spouses tangling their necks is very intimate; however, there is no X rated pictures on the screen.

According to some environmentalists, emperor penguins pretty soon will be endangered species.  Their hardships include the problems of pollution.  I am afraid their life cycles would be similar to the fate of Sisyphus’ - the stone can never reach to the peak of the mountain, and we are the curses to make their lives more miserable.



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:31 PM


We Americans are attacked by vicious aliens this time in Steven Spielberg’s movie - War of the Worlds. Fortunately we have stored enough WMDs to defeat the enemies in the end.

Unlike Spielberg’s previous movies - “The Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and ‘E.T.”, where The Extraterrestrial creatures were hospitable and cute, the evil monsters that come out in this new movie have ugly appearances and intend to invade the east coast, from New Jersey to Boston. There are no horrible scenes on the west coast yet.

There are many tripods controlled by the aliens that were buried under the earth decades ago, then they emerge to catch human beings.  This image reminds me of cicadas.  I hope the insects beneath us are never able to develop weapons to start turf wars against the human race.  And they better not be inclined to suck mankind's blood as grotesquely as the movie shows.

This film convinced me that a father - Ray Ferrier, portrayed by actor Tom Cruise, can take responsibility, even though Ray does not know the answer raised by his son - Where is the capital of Australia?   For emergency purposes, his son cannot find food, but only tomato sauce in his father’s refrigerator.  The domestic war is solved finally, because Ray demonstrates what a brave father should do.  He saves his alienated daughter.  He neither escapes to be with another woman as the father does in “E. T”., nor  does he only focuse on his own research like the father in “The Close Encounters of the Third kind.”

In general, most science fiction movies attract the audience through special effects, not the plots.  Spielberg’s talent in such technology is admirable, but I prefer watching his “Schindler’s List “ and “Saving Private Ryan” far more. I feel the wars in his non-science fiction movies have more realities and human emotions.



From:  Jennifer Lin [沈妙娟]
Saturday, June 04, 2005 2:10 AM

Movie Review: 2005 Sahara 心情點滴

我最喜愛的一部電影應該是【這是一個美妙的人生】It's A Wonderful Life 吧 ! 詹姆斯史都華演的一個想自殺的男人, 被一個 外貌是一個老頭兒的天使救了回來, 整個故事我好感動。

有一回東海建築系的朋友辦藝術週的活動, 他選在體育館放映的電影就是【單車失竊記】, 裡面是描寫一個義大利的窮苦家庭單車失竊的故事, 好感人, 這故事也影響我很大。

兩個月前, 我們去台中的新光影城看電影, 猶豫不決, 不知道應該選【戰慄時刻】、【雙重翻譯】還是選竹內結子演的【今天, 很想見妳】來看 ? 好心的售票員告訴我們【
2005 撒哈拉】很好看, 原本我抱著懷疑的心去看, 我先生買爆米花進場, 結果我們發現這部電影實在精采極了, 我好像去了一趟充滿異國情調的地方回來, 它而且是動作片。

據說, 男主角馬修和女主角潘妮因演這部片而戀愛了, 不管怎樣, 我真感謝這個售票員小女生, 她帶給我們一個非常快樂的夜晚。



From: FenFang Song [鄭芬芳]
Sunday, April 17, 2005 12:29 PM

伍月華和我兩人同樣是老紐約客, 所以有些際遇難免相同。百老匯的 The Phantom Of The Opera, 我們同樣看過兩次。第一次是為自己而看, 第二次都是陪遠道而來的親友而看。 這次看電影版的 The Phantom Of The Opera 也基於同樣的理, 我們都著迷於那個百聽不厭的歌曲。兩者相較之下, 我還是喜歡百老匯版, 聽現場演唱, 更能扣人心弦。

月華告訴我, 她年輕時, 看電影一定要看首輪的。有時為了趕第一場, 還花了大半天的時間。我們以不在年輕, 首輪或二輪, 已無差別。 對於劇中的哀怨的愛情故事, 我也不再感動。真的很擔心, 有一天, 對所有的歌曲, 也無動於衷。


From: charter [周曉宏]
Saturday, April 09, 2005 11:43 AM

my comments:


From:  PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]
Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:35 PM


Compared to ”The Sea Inside, the French movie, ”The Chorus” is like the palm of the bear versus the fin of the shark. Both of them are philosophical enough to enlighten us.

Since “The Sea Inside,” won the Foreign Movie Award of Oscar this year, I would highly recommend this pearl. Although it was left out in the big ceremony, it still shines brightly. On the other hand, probably “The Chorus” has a very similar backdrop to my own workplace, so there are more echoes for me when watching it. Because my school enrolls students who are falling behind academically, they also have many behavior problems.

Several beautiful songs string the whole story back and forth. From the beginning, we can predict that a group of problematic teenagers will be influenced by a very shy teacher; however, the evolution does not follow clichés or bore the viewer. Indeed, while the music teacher successfully edifies these juvenile delinquents, he also fulfills himself and his own interests. We can see that those young people take singing as a special honor to get together under the instructor’s directions.

Funny and sentimental moments are juxtaposed. Among my own unruly students, I sometimes can find a few angels who have good natures to encourage me in my daily life, too.



From: PATRICIA P FU [傅裴湘]

Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:08 AM


I am not touched by the film - Finding Neverland, as much as how the other audience are moved from it. There is a very intriguing portion in the movie I want to point out though.  The two supporting roles in the story, Dustin Hoffman, as the impresario; and Julie Christie, as the grandmother, are totally contrary to what their characters were before. In my young age, (sad to admit this.) the above mentioned actor and actress were always the typical rebellious individuals in both British and American movies.  They fought against the bigotry in their rigid societies.  Julie Christie often reacted differently from the majority’s behaviors in her background.   Dusty Hoffman was the anti-hero small potato during the 70’s.


Now in Finding Neverland, Dusty is very practical in order to make money.  He cannot appreciate fantasies on the stage, dares not to accept a human being impersonating a dog, or fairies flying over his head.  Julie has to carry too many responsibilities.  She needs to control her daughter as well as her grandchildren.


I feel that I bear a strong resemblance  to them now.  I lost my naivety and my Neverland, too.

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