-----Original Message-----
From: Chi-Pai Ho (賀既白)
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: photo

Hello old Tunghai friends,

Thomas, Yaoti (蕭燿地) and I had a chance to meet at Thomas' home in Suzhou on Saturday 4/22/06. It was wonderful to see my old roommates. Especially it was the first time Ah-Di and I met in about 30 years.

Ah-Di has not changed much at all, still very down to the earth and laughs a lot. Both Ah-Kang and Ah-Di maintain almost the same weight as when they were Tunghai kids, that was quite amazing.

Please see the attached photo of this small reunion of the 3 of us. Hopefully we will have a lot of chances to get together and with many more of us attending, too. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chang Thomas (張平康)
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:45 AM

Dear Chi-pai and Yaoti,

Thanks for making the long journey to Suzhou. It's great that we could get together and share many things of our life and old memories of 大毛

Attached please find the picture. If you don't mind, please send it to our classmates since I lost the mailing list.

Ah-kang & Eerine
賀既白 張平康 蕭燿地


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Li  (李鴻隆)
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 2:56 AM

Hi Chi-Pai, Ah-Kang and Ah-Dee,

Well, not to let you run the only reunion show, Jengteng (蔡禎騰) and I met yesterday in Tunghai.

In fact, I got up in the Labor Day morning at 5:30AM because of the mosquito bites (this is probably the most unbearable thing living in Taipei since I left Shanghai in last December), and decided to do something to cheer myself up. So I drove down to Tunghai to see JT to give him a surprise, although we just met in Taipei in February before Ah-Kang left for Suzhou (蘇州).

It was a late spring day in Tunghai, sunny and cloudy after a few rainy days, with students starting their regular Monday classes. I was standing in front of the new library overlooking the Wen-Li-da-Dou (文理大道). Suddenly I felt myself diving into the old memories...until I saw JT coming to me, then I realized, yes I was only dreaming, all things came back to reality again.

After staying in JT's gorgeous little house a while, he and Shan Shan took me to the new Science Park just across the school. It was a well fast developed area, and looks like a very promising one. JT regrets that he didn't believe how successful this park is going to be three years back, otherwise, he would be "smoking pipe and retiring somewhere". He was even a member of the original science park planning committee. But you and I all know that he is still better off staying the current position, right?

I returned to Taipei after taking a brief lunch in the school dining area next to the post office. On my way back I told myself I should have come to here more often, but it's not too late at all.

I attached a photo for your laughing, although it's been polished by Adobe Photoshop.

蔡禎騰 李鴻隆

-----Original Message-----
From: JT Tsai

Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 9:28 AM

Yes, it was indeed a very pleasant surprise to have Color at Tunghai yesterday. Shan-Shan and I were
greatly touched to see a passionate and caring alumnus of Tunghai such as him. I thus felt blessed to have the opportunity to live and work at our beloved alma mater. Guys, you are all welcome to drop by to our common home - Tunghai, anytime.

A side note: the picture of Color and me was taken in front of Winsor Hotel which was opened only a few days earlier. It is located next to Howard Plaza which is about 2KM east of Tunghai. As I told Color, Tunghai might have been a remote school high in the mountains a few decades back, but it's like a small lawn among tall buildings now. There is the Taichung Industrial Zone right next to our south. The new gigantic Taichung Science Park is 3KM north of us. To our east, big commercial buildings such as Howard Plaza and Winsor are closing in. And of course we have the Taichung airport and seaport not far to our west. So come and see again what new developments we've had around Tunghai just in the past one or two years.



-----Original Message-----
From: Chi-Pai Ho
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 12:28 PM

Hello old Tunghai kids,

That's a great picture. You both look young and fit consider the age factor here. JT indeed is the luckiest Tunghai kid among us, be able to live and teach at Tunghai. May be Tunghai keeps us young, or younger than we actually are, without realizing it.

It's really nice to read both JT and Color's emails.  Pictures and letters from old Tunghai friends are

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: JT Tsai
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:57 AM
Subject: Pictures of TSP


I took Color(李鴻隆), and Eerine(張平康夫人王逸人) and Thomas(張平康) in different trips in the past weeks to the Taichung Science Park (TSP). I believe they were impressed to see such a huge development so close to Tunghai - less than 5 KM away from our main gate. I attach a few TSP pictures for your reference. TSP has an area of 414 hectares, close to three times as large as Tunghai. There is currently NT$540 billion committed from the industry to invest here.


----Original Message-----
From: Albert Yang 楊志傑
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:21 PM

I am looking forward to seeing Tunghai taking the advantage of "地利" to build close relationship with these nearby industries.  In addition to research projects, Tunghai can offer education and training.  The benefit will be tremendous not only in science and technology collaboration but also in financial contribution.

-----Original Message-----
From: JT Tsai
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:06 AM

I agree with you totally that TSP provides us good opportunities in a variety of ways. Tunghai has long been a semi-monastery. But we are now placed at the center of central Taiwan's development which is a role we need to face and learn to play. This is of course all very interesting and challenging. A number of universities including Feng-Chai, Chung-Hsin and Tsai-Yang are setting up their bases within TSP. Attached is a picture of Tsao-Yang's building there. Let's hope our alma mater can adjust well and soon enough.



2007/02/08 00:22 
東海大學恐藏致癌風險 校方將追查


東海大學也驚傳「砷」氣危機!繼台北關渡平原土壤遭到重金屬砷污染之後 , 台灣環境保護聯盟7日指出 , 中部科學園區啟用後 , 中科周邊空氣中的砷濃度激增 , 其中以東海大學省政大樓的最高測值達每立方公尺37.4奈克 , 是目前國際最高的空氣周界濃度。東海大學得知消息後指出 , 校方長期都有針對空氣、土壤及水質進行監測 , 過去不知有砷污染的問題 , 校方將積極追查污染來源 , 尋求解決方案 。

台灣環境保護聯盟表示 , 中部科學園區啟用後 , 台中市西屯空氣中所測到的砷濃度 , 達到每立方公尺30奈克 , 不僅是新竹科學園區周遭空氣砷濃度的5倍 , 更遠高於世界上一些砷污染嚴重的採礦區。現在大量的砷卻可能隨著風向 , 威脅台中市西屯區、北屯區和台中縣龍井、沙鹿、大雅鄉等地區 。

研究人員發現 , 中部民眾例假日出遊、休閒勝地的東海大學 , 更是飽受中科的砷氣荼毒 , 其中以東海大學省政大樓所監測到的空氣品質 , 砷濃度最高值達到37.4奈克 , 創下世界最高紀錄。對此 , 東海大學公關室主任沈哲正表示 , 學校因為長期與台中工業區毗鄰 , 平常就很重視各種污染源的監控 , 加上校內也有環境科學系 , 因此長期都有針對土壤、水質、空氣等進行監控 , 但對「砷」污染一事 , 過去沒有聽聞 。

台灣環境保護聯盟會長、台灣大學大氣系教授徐光蓉表示 , 「砷屬於劇毒元素 , 砒霜就是砷的化合物之一 , 在美國環保署的空氣品質規範中 , 根本就不應被檢測出。」她進一步強調 , 「依美國環保署的致癌風險分析 , 空氣中砷濃度達2奈克時 , 致癌機率為十萬分之一 , 若達20奈克 , 更升高至萬分之一 , 而中科排放量如此之高 , 危害情形更讓人擔憂 。」

環保聯盟強調 , 身為中科主管機關的行政院國家科學委員會應負起全責 , 不僅主委陳建仁及台中環保局長李立德該為此下台 , 國科會也應該提出具體的解決方案 , 嚴懲排放砷的廠商 , 要求所有廠商提出使用毒化物的資料及用量 , 才能保障民眾的健康安全 。